Issy Productions was founded in 2002 in The Netherlands. They have been very active not only in The Netherlands but also in Belgium, The Philippines and now also in Spain. They work at this moment exclusive for performing artist Issy but also organized custom-made events for Major leading companies & private customers like PHILIPS NEDERLAND BV, HASBRO, DEDON Furniture Germany, Radio DECIBEL, Joanna L'Hullier fashion bags, and many more. Issy Productions is working for your business and events and of course for Issy x

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Happy New Year ..let the singing begin!

Dear friends,...
wow O' so much has been changed when time past by. It's hard getting back into the scene but I am doing some wonderfull things right now. I did audition for " Pure The Musical" and was accepted.
The part I will be playing will be announced this month and the premiere of this production will be September 23 in theater DE KRING in my hometown Roosendaal.
But first off all I met all my old friends from the past when I was singing in my first coverband TUNE. This was during the festival in Holland named " DOE IETS". And all benifits went to the Philippines to help children in education so they would gain a place in society and its future. I met also Johan Broere he was my first drummer and now being the top of the bill Artist-Drummer at the group " Slagerij van Kampen".
It was so nice finally talking about that time when we were all kids with a dream.
I also met a new friend named Co Vergouwen a great pianist singer but most off all composer and arranger. Co as being the pianist of famouse Dutch Sing&Songwriter Margriet Eshuijs has so much talent and meeting him became a blessing. Since we are now working on some new ideas so him and me can performe & sing again in away I think suits me best! :) I am very proud that thsi came on my way.... It makes me happy and feeling blessed.

I hope we can have it realised in 2011 so we can have bookings accepted by the month of april.

Love always


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